Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Here are a few Emerald Society announcements prior to our next newsletter.

Please note our office address has changed to:

Los Angeles Police Emerald Society
714 West Olympic Blvd. Ste. 948
Los Angeles CA 90015-1425
(424) 218-6216

Our December Meeting and Christmas Gathering will again be at The Walton residence in Long Beach on December 14th at 7 p.m. Please bring your own food and drink. If you'll RSVP your plans to attend to we'll send an acknowledgement with the address and directions.

Please recruit a new member and join us for the December meeting.

Have you sent in your 2012 dues. You can download the application online @

Please remember to send the application to our new office suite!

Finally, here's a link to our November 9, 2011 meeting minutes. We trust that with our frequent newsletters courtesy of Bill Robertson and the posting of our meeting minutes, you'll be once again motivated to become active in our Society.

Emerald Society Meeting Minutes, 11/09/11


Your 2012-2014 Board of Directors