Fellow Emeralds,
The May meeting, which was to take place on May 6th, of the Los Angeles Police Emerald Society has been cancelled. Your Board unanimously agreed and voted to cancel this meeting due to our schedule conflicts caused by the many observances of Police Memorial Day which are taking place throughout the month. Many of you are taking part in Police Memorial ceremonies at the local, state, and national level. I encourage all Emerald Society members to remember the fallen and their familes and friends they left behind in their words, actions, and prayers!
Our Los Angles Police Emerald Society Pipe and Drum Band will be representing us at the California State Police Memorial Ceremony proudly and with honor!
I, along with Pipe Major Scott Walton, and Brother Mike Apodaca will be representing our Society in Washington, D.C.! If any other members are planning to attend the National Ceremony please let me know so we can share the experience as fellow Emeralds.
While May 15th is Police Memorial Day and we will be participating in special memorial events, let everyone know that our fallen and those they left behind are always remembered and never forgotten every day of the year!
We salute the fallen and remember the National Police Memorial motto---
"In Valor there is Hope"
Stephen Saletros
Los Angeles Police Emerald Society