Friday, December 19, 2008

President's Holiday Wish and 2009 Schedule

Fellow Emeralds,

First I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and yours a very Happy Holiday, Happy Hanukkah, and Merry Christmas!!!

While Christmas is a time of gift giving and receiving, I feel as though one of the greatest gifts I have received is the honor of being associated with my fellow brothers and sisters of the Emerald Society...There is not a finer group anywhere that exemplifies our tradition of the Claddagh (Love, Loyalty, and Friendship) and service to our law enforcement and entire community at large! So many of you have contributed so much in the preservation and support of our law enforcement and Irish heritage! There are too many names and too many events to mention in this message..But I thank all of you for the gifts of your wisdom,wit,knowledge, volunteerism, sacrifice, good humor,and spirit!

However, I will be sending out an end of the year message which will encapsulate what our Society has done and accomplished in 2008! That message will also contain our vision for the future and upcoming plans for 2009! And speaking of the future...

Here is our 2009 Los Angeles Police Emerald Society Meeting Schedule:

January 7th
February 4th
March 4th
April 15th
May 6th
June 10th
July 15th
August 5th
September 9th
October 14th
November 18th

Meetings begin at 1900 Hrs (7:00PM) and will take place at the LAPD Elysian Park Academy unless otherwise announced.

We remember all of our family and friends who are no longer with us in this world to celebrate our holiday season, especially our Emerald Society Brother "Red" Williams aka Santa Claus who left us in this year! Our annual Society visit to the Ronald McDonald House this year was dedicated to the memory of "Red" by our Emerald Society and in a very meaningful way by "Santa Tim" who performed and gave out presents as Santa for the children in a most magical way!

Lastly, please remember in our prayers, words and actions our law enforcement officers and soldiers, here , abroad and around the world ,who sacrifice every day to preserve our freedoms, liberty and lives! In the same way, we remember and honor the fallen and their families, for whom this can be an especially trying time of year.

God Bless Us All, Everyone!
Stephen Saletros
Los Angeles Police Emerald Society