Tomorrow is election day and I hope that all of you will participate and vote. While the Emerald Society is not in the business of political endorsements I am passing on information that two of our members have their hat in the political ring...Michael O'Gara (Ogara4judge.com) and Ralph Lillig (ralphlillig.com). Again this is not an official endorsement of candidates but an announcement of our members activities which is open to all members regardless of political affiliation. If, as individuals, you decide to help our fellow members in their endeavors that is a personal decision. The websites of both candidates have been provided to make it easier for you to see what our fellow members are doing. If at any time, you have member news which you would like passed on please to not hesitate to contact me.
You should have received your Garda newsletter, thanks to Liz Donovan, in the mail by now...If you have not received your newsletter or if you have suggestions for the Garda, please contact me. This was my first time putting out an issue of the Garda and all suggestions and criticisms are welcome.
More news to come soon!
All the Best to All of You,
Steve Saletros