Monday, August 30, 2010

Emerald Society Event Announcements and Details!

Fellow Emeralds,

I hope this message finds you all well! First, I would like to publicly thank LAFD Chief Dave Badgett (ret.) for allowing us to hold our LAPES September meeting at the LAFD Training Academy (the old Navy and Marine Reserve Training Center) and his outstanding presentation on his experience as part of the search and rescue team that was sent to WTC Ground Zero immediately following the 9-11 attack. His professionalism, bravery, selflessness and modesty are an inspiration to us all...truly one of LA's Bravest as are all of our firefighters! Chief Badgett, or Dave as he prefers to be called, went above and beyond in opening the Fire Academy to us and making the time and effort to make the very informative and moving presentation to us. I say above and beyond because during the planning of the meeting with Dave, his good friend John Callaghan, who he grew up in the Fire Service with, and the Fire Chief of San Luis Obispo suddenly passed away from a massive heart attack at the age of 66. Dave had to travel back and forth to San Luis Obispo and was very involved in the funeral arrangements of his friend. Despite the tragic and difficult circumstances, he still came through on his commitment to be our guest speaker and be there for us at the LAFD Academy. The Los Angeles Police Emerald Society thanks you for your sacrifice and going above and beyond for us.  I would like all of our members to say a prayer for John Callaghan and his family and all of our firefighters, that like us as law enforcement, make sacrifices big and small in service to our communities and country. Thank God for for men like Dave Badgett and all the firefighters
like him!

1. The 9-11 Memorial Tribute will be held on Friday 9-10 at the LAFD Training Center at 1700 Stadium Way at 0900 Hrs. The Los Angeles Police emerald Society Pipes and Drums will perform at the ceremony and all Emerald Society members are encouraged to attend in class "A" uniform or the Emerald Society polo shirt. We have not forgotten the victims of 9-11 and never will!

2. The 7th Annual Celtic Concert Series Hollywood, CA 90068
Sunday, September 12, 2010 at 7:00 PM
Presented by Celtic Arts Center

The Los Angeles Police Emerald Society Pipes and Drums inaugurate the evening!

The Fureys and Davy Arthur at last make their U.S. West Coast debut! part of the contiuuum of playing, singing, dancing and storytelling that has united Irish everywhere, The Fureys are musical kin to the folksingers of the 1960s and 70s.  Their " Green Fields of France" is former British Prime Minister Tony Blair's favorite peace song of all time. More info is available at

3. Dodgertown Ireland- On 9/17  the Los Angeles Dodgers will acknowledge and honor our Irish heritage.It is a night game and our Pipe and drum Band will be there performing to start off the night. How many of you are interested in participating in this event? Yes, friends and families are encouraged to attend and I am working on complimentary tickets that you might have heard were generously offered to LAPD officers as a way of saying thankyou to our men and women in blue. If you are interested in participating in this night celebrating our heritage and seeing a Dodgers game please rsvp as soon as possible so I can get a ticket estimate. Please get your requests to me no later than 9/5. Go Dodgers! Go Irish!

4. Celtic Cats- While visiting our friends at the Irish Import Shop I discovered that they have two very small kittens who lost their Mom up for is black and one is grey/blk striped. If you are interested in adopting one or both of these very sweet felines please contact me at 213 253-5966.

Stay tuned for more announcements coming to you soon!

Stay Safe and Stay Well,
Steve Saletros
Los Angeles Police Emerald Society

Friday, August 27, 2010

7th Annual Celtic Concert Series

7th Annual Celtic Concert Series Hollywood, CA 90068

Sun. September 12, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.
Presented by Celtic Arts Center
Ford Amphitheater

The Los Angeles Police Emerald Society Pipes and Drums inaugurate the evening.

The Fureys and Davey Arthur at last make their U.S. West Coast debut! Part of the continuum of playing, singing, dancing and storytelling that has united Irish everywhere, The Fureys are musical kin to the folksingers of the 1960s and 1970s. Their “Green Fields of France” is former British Prime Minister Tony Blair’s favorite peace song of all time Also performing is Vocalist/guitarist Ken O’Malley, a Dublin native now based in L.A.

Emerald Society, Patrick Rose Fund

Patrick Rose a severely disabled police officer. On St. Patrick's Day in 2009, while enjoying his day off, Officer Rose witnessed a crime. In pursuit of the suspects, he was pushed down a set of steps that left him with herniated discs and head trauma.

Because he was off-duty, it's been hard for Mr. Rose to secure money from the state and social security. Patrick has just developed Multiple Sclerosis (MS) - from severe trauma to his head. His insurance is saying the MS was a preexisting condition. Yet, he's never been ill a day in his life.

Emerald Society, Patrick Rose Fund

Emerald Society of Metropolitan Law Enforcement

5965 Annunciation Street, New Orleans, LA 70115

Saturday, August 21, 2010

August Meeting Announcement!

The next general meeting is is special one that will be held on Thursday, August 26th at 1900 Hrs at the LAFD Fire Academy which is located at 1700 Stadium Way...a very short  distance away from our regular meeting place at the LAPD Academy.

With the anniversary of 9-11 just around the corner the theme of this meeting will be "9-11, We Will Never Forget". Our guest speaker will be LAFD representative Dave Badgett, who responded to Ground Zero and along with so many other courageous emergency response personnel, engaged in the extremely intense duty of working at the World Trade Center site. This will be a chance to hear about the Ground Zero rescue and recovery efforts from someone who was there. Additionally the LAFD Fire Academy is home to a Twin Tower girder which acts as a memorial and monument honoring those who were lost on 9-11-01. That girder is the largest WTC monument on the West Coast and Dave Badgett will tell the story of how this monument came to be from being a vision to a reality.

Additionally, the Los Angeles Police Emerald Society will be participating in a joint law enforcement/fire department/military memorial ceremony marking the 9th anniversary of 9-11 on 9-10 at the same location to begin at 0900 Hrs. The Los Angeles Police Emerald Society Pipes and Drums will perform at the ceremony and all members are encouraged to attend!

A meeting reminder with directions will be forthcoming for this very special meeting.

Steve Saletros
Los Angeles Police Emerald Society