Thursday, July 31, 2008

Emerald Green and Dodger Blue!

Fellow Emeralds,

It's Dodger Night for the Los Angeles Police Emerald Society! Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Dodgers arrival in the City of Angels from Brooklyn, New York, USA we have 50 FREE tickets for our members to see the LA Dodgers play the Philadelphia Phillies! Thats right, it's the Hoagies versus the Dodger Dogs, the City of Brotherly Love versus the City of Angels! Both teams are vying for first place in their respective divsions so it should be an exciting matchup!

Tickets will be reserved on a first come first serve basis...Parking will be available for members at the Academy where we will meet at 1800 Hrs, Wednesday, August 13th, for a 1910 Hrs game start time! We will meet at the Academy Archway/Security Post and proceed over as a group! To reserve a ticket please respond to your email message or call 213 253-5966 with a ticket order!

So whether you bleed Dodger Blue or are a Philly fan, come on out to the ball game and dont forget to wear your Emerald Green!

Steve S

Monday, July 28, 2008

An Evening with James Ellroy

James Ellroy, auther of "L.A. Confidential," will be at the Los Angeles Police Academy (Elysian Park) on Wednesday, August 6th, at 1900 Hours.

This is a free event. Which means feel free to drop a few bucks into the food and beer kitty.

All are welcome as always.

Just click on the flyer and print some copies to post and some to pass out.

Saturday, July 12, 2008


A fitting memorial to our good friend“Red”Williams” will take place on Saturday, July 19,2008 at:

FULLERTON ELKS LODGE, 1400 Elks View Lane , Fullerton ,
(North of Brea Blvd. , and East of Harbor Blvd. )

Pat , Merle’s dear wife, andJaina, Merle’s daughter, are inviting family and close friends (as in all of us), to attend this light buffet from:

1:00PM to 4:00PM

It will be necessary to have a head count; so please RSVP to the Williams family or to Joe O’Day, NO LATER THAN July 15.

Joe O’Day can be notified at (714) 493 9297 and at email:; or the Williams family can be notified at ,or by calling : (714) 308 5697 or cell phone: (714) 3085697.

The Williams Clan have requested bagpipes, preferably from our own Emerald Society, much beloved by our own Harley Santa. We’ll not see his likes again.

CEAD MILE FAILTE (one hundred thousand welcomes)

Bill Donoghue

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

July Meeting Reminder and Announcements

Brother and Sister Emeralds,

I hope that this message finds you all well and that you all had a wonderful Independence Day Holiday celebrating the birth of our great nation with your family and friends.

Usually, my Brothers and Sisters, I have positive news of upcoming events, guest speakers and the like to present to you. Unfortunately I have some news which I present with a heavy heart. In recent days, I learned from an email sent by Brother Bill Donoghue that our friend and Fellow Brother Merle "Red" Williams passed away while on vacation in Wyoming. Many of you will remember "Red" as Santa Claus, a character he loved to play for the children at Ancient Order of Hibernian events and at the Ronald McDonald House for the Emerald Society. Brother "Red" truly exemplified love, loyalty and friendship and had a great giving heart! "Red" will be greatly missed and will be honored at our July meeting.

Our Emerald Society has sent a condolence card and a message of condolences and support to the family of "Red" Williams. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family of Merle "Red" Williams.

Information regarding memorial services may be forthcoming and will be announced when received.

This next announcement I knew I would eventually, reluctantly have to make but I did not know when it would come. Today the time has come to make this announcement and I pass it along to our members with sadness as to their leaving but with congratulatory happiness on the next phase of their lives. Steve Kirby, longtime President, Pipe Major and current Treasurer has announced that July will be his final farewell meeting at the Emerald Society as he and Sister Judy Kirby are moving to Iowa in the very near future. On behalf of the entire Los Angeles Police Emerald Society I would like to thank Steve and Judy for all that they have done for the Society and the members over the years. Words can not adequately describe our gratitude but I will try to express them at our July meeting tommorow July 9th. Steve and Judy will be honored at this meeting and this will be a chance for our members to say our fond farewells.

I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow at the meeting.

Brother Steve S