Thursday, May 22, 2008

Showtime at Costa Mesa for LAPES

Fellow Emeralds,

The Costa Mesa Highland Games is this weekend 5/24 and 5/25...Our Los Angeles Police Emerald Society Pipes and Drums will be there playing for the crowds representing us proudly. As importantly, our stalwart Emerald Society Volunteer Beer Brigade will be there supporting this historic Scottish/Celtic/Irish event and serving up brews for the benefit of our Society.

The call time for the volunteers on both days is 0830 Hrs...8:30 AM for training at the Costa Mesa Fairgrounds.

VP JJ Leonard is working with Emerald Brother Ron Cody to make this Emerald Society Booth a go. I hope that all of you will be able to attend this event with family and friends for a fun time! If you have any questions please call JJ at 818 992-1414. Thanks again to JJ,Ron Cody and all the volunteers! All the Best to All of You!

Steve Saletros

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Remember National Police Memorial Day

Brother and Sister Emeralds,

Reporting form Washngton, D.C., your Los Angeles Police Emerald Society Pipe and Drum Band participated in the National Emerald Societies Pipes and Drums March and National Police Memorial Ceremony in a way that makes us all proud. I want to thank all our members that participated in this most meaningful event and I want them to know that their efforts and sacrifices they made to be present in Washington, DC during National Police Week is noticed and appreciated in so many ways by so many people. For those of you who could not be with us this year , we know that you are with us in spirit and we carry your spirit with us, for when one Emerald is present we are ALL present.

I ask that today,on May 15th, National Police Officers Memorial Day, we all reflect on the sacrifices that our brother and sister officers and their families make on a daily basis. I ask that we observe, respect and honor the ultimate sacrifices that our fallen brothers and sisters have made and that we remember them and their survivors in our prayers, words, deeds and actions, not only today, but always. Never Forget the Fallen and Always Remember the Survivors!

Stephen Saletros
Los Angeles Police Emerald Society